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Fred Deer
I have moving gout like you. I found a cure with diclofenac. My first attack lasted 3 months and was hell. It was never diagnosed as gout as it started in my ankle and moved around. Only a kindly nurse had a suspicion it might be gout and prescribed it for me despite being diagnosed with a sprained ankle.
The diclofenac cleared it in 48 hrs. Might be worth a try. It has negated my gout attacks. I take it only when i feel an onset and then it goes within 1-2 hours. If it’s a strong attack that comes on during the I night that means I cant walk when I wake up I might need 3 pills taken about 4 hours apart and then next morning I’m fine. My doctor just gives a box to keep if I need one or 2.
Without it my attacks last 2-3 weeks.
Changing my diet had no effect for me.
Fred Deer
ParticipantHave you tried Diclofenac? It worked for me. After 3 months of agony my first gout attack in my ankle cleared in 48 hrs. It was never diagnosed as gout as I never had a toe attack first so they told me it was a sprain. A wise nurse prescribed it to me.
I then did have a toe attack but all other attacks were in my knee and ankles so it took about 5 attacks till I recognised it felt the same and then ablood test confirmed it.
I only need take a pill when I feel a gout attack coming. It then subsides in a few hours but at most 24hrs. Sometime I need to take one or 2 follow up pills a few hours apart.
Before Diclofenac my gout attack would last a week or 2. I ended up walking on crutches diagnosed with arthritis.
My sign of an attack coming is waking up with a join pain somewhere in my ankle/Knee/toe that appears for no reason. That’s when i reach for it.
Changing my diet and stopping drinking had no effect.
Fred Deer
ParticipantMy gout started in my ankle. I tripped and it didn’t seem to severe and had a slight pain but the next day it got worse and I was unable to walk. I went to the doctor and they treated me for a sprain like you. Making me walk on it.
I spent 3 months in a foot cast not able to climb stairs. Looking back I went to the hospital 3 times at about 3am because the pain was so bad. I showed all the symptoms of gout but because it was in my ankle and it happened after a trip it was never considered as gout by anyone least of all me as I’d never had any signs of gout before.
I had ibuprofen to reduce the sprain inflammation and went to a consultant every week but nothing helped. Not surprising if I was being treated for a sprain which involved me walking on it as much as possible.
I was lucky because a practice nurse at the doctors stepped in on one occasion when they were busy. She asked if I suffered from gout. I said no but and suggested I try Sodium diclofenac and gave me a prescription. Within 2 days it was gone!!))) Three months of unbearable pain disappeared in 48 hours.
The next attack was in my toe about 6 months later but this time they realised it was gout. The diclofenac worked in a few days once again.
Since then I have had other attacks. It is my knee joints and ankle joints on both sides that get it never my toe. Again it was not recognised as gout and I was simply told i was getting old and it was arthritis. It took the 5th attack for me to put 2 and 2 together and then suggest it might be gout to them. A quick blood test and they knew I was right.
After a few attacks you get of recognise the feel of a gout attack. It’s a hot and very painful feeling that feel half inflammation and half like a joint sprain.
Now I am aware that gout can occur around any joint. Now I simply take a single diclofenac pill when i feel an onset and it subsides.
Rest assured gout can attack any joint and not only the toe.
For me the signs are the following
It comes on in the night for no reason (Just as you stated)
The pain is worst during the night at around 1-4am
It feels hot and cooling soothes it
It is not directly in the joint but in the tissues around it. It moves around the knee/ankle over period of a few days and doesn’t stay in the same place.
It hurts like hell especially at night,Whilst not a be all or end all for gout symptoms these are my personal clues.
Diclofenac is my saviour but I’m sure it does not work for all. I have a supply at hand at all times and take one pill (sometime a follow up) and its gone really quickly. Normally in an hour or 2 but sometimes takes 24 hrs.
Find what works for you and if you get joint pain anywhere and are prone to gout do not think it simply lives in the toe. I’ve only had one toe attack and every other one has been around my knee and ankle joints.
Sounds like you have gout to me.
June 27, 2018 at 2:39 pm in reply to: Does Gout effect entire joints for some? Diet Suggestions #7217Fred Deer
ParticipantMy gout started in my ankle. I tripped and it didn’t seem to severe but the next day it got worse and i was unable to walk. I went to the doctor and they treated me for a sprain. Making me walk on it. I spent 3 months in a foot cast not able to climb stairs and looking back I went to the hospital 3 times at about 3am because the pain was so bad. I showed all the symptoms of gout but because it was in my ankle and it happened after a trip it was never considered as gout by anyone least of all me as I’d never had any signs of gout before.
I had ibuprofen to reduce the sprain inflammation and went to a consultant every week but nothing helped. Not surprising if I was being treated for a sprain which involved me walking on it as much as possible.
I was lucky because a practice nurse at the doctors stepped in on one occasion when they were busy. She asked if I suffered from gout. I said no but and suggested I try Sodium diclofenac and gave me a prescription. Within 2 days it was gone!!))) Three months of unbearable pain disappeared in 48 hours.
The next attack was in my toe about 6 months later but this time they realised it was gout. The diclofenac worked in a few days once again.
Since then I have had other attacks. It is my knee joints and ankle joints on both sides that get it. Again it was not recognised as gout and I was simply told i was getting old and it was arthritis. It took the 5th attack for me to put 2 and 2 together and then suggest it might be gout to them. A quick blood test and they knew I was right
Now i am aware that gout can come in any joint I simply take a single diclofenac pill when i feel an onset in any joint and it subsides.
Rest assured gout can get into any joint and not only the toe. Fort me the signs are the following
It comes on in the night for no reason
The pain is worst during the night at around 1-4am
It feels hot and cooling soothes itWhilst not a be all or end all but these are my clues.
Diclofenac is my saviour but I’m sure it does not work for all. I have a supply at hand at all times and take one pill (sometime a follow up) and its gone really quickly. Normally in an hour or 2.
Find what works for you and if you get joint pain anywhere and are prone to gout do not think it simply lives in the toe. I’ve only had one toe attack and ever other one is in my leg and ankle joints.
Hope that helps.