GoutPal Back From The Dead?

Rumors of my demise are exaggerated. Not only am I still alive and kicking, but I've resurrected this blog. There's hope for a bright future on a new server. Thanks to all who've helped with this - I'll write more soon. In the meantime, there are a few bugs that have crept in during moving this site. They may also affect links on GoutPal.com. If you spot anything, please let me know. Also, please let me know what is most important to you. I always give priority to your needs. This is no longer applicable, as the gout support service has changed. Please see Gout Support Service Improvements Debate regarding improvements to gout forums or any other aspect of using my gout websites....
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Banish Alzheimers: Ignore Gout Advice

Whilst looking for information about uric acid, I came across an interesting piece about Alzheimer's disease and uric acid [reference to Mathilda37 removed: no longer available]. In the article, Mathilda refers to some recent research about uric acid as a potential cure for Alzheimer's, or at least a way to hold the progression of the disease. The research in this article follows on from a piece I did last year explaining how uric acid could reduce nerve damage. The researcher, Professor Firestein, pointed out to me that maintaining an adequate level of uric acid in the body is important. There are a few more important points about uric acid, Alzheimer's disease and related medical conditions and treatments. (more…)...
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Gout Diagnosis: Is Your Doctor Right?

Where do you go for gout diagnosis? You might think that any qualified doctor could tell if you have gout, but even your doctor is not sure. In a recent survey of different types of physicians, only rheumatologists are 100% certain that they can diagnose gout. This supports my advice that you should always consult a rheumatologist if you have gout, or show any gout symptoms. (more…)...
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Aspirin Drives Gout Sufferer Mad

I not only suffer gout.I endure gout misinformation.I'm desperate to present clear, concise, informed gout news and views, so you do not have to be misled.Now aspirin has driven me insane.First, let me refer you to my article about aspirin and gout. I thought this was a great piece of news for gout sufferers who have been worried about low-dose aspirin, commonly taken to reduce the risks of stroke and heart disease.I always intended to research this further, and add it to the gout research section at GoutPal.com. Today I learned that my link to the original presentation abstract was faulty. I decided to complete my review of aspirin and gout and improve my report.That's when aspirin started driving me mad. (more…)...
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Water Kills Gout Pain 3 Ways

Thanks to WouteR for this imageGout sufferers know how good water is. Water reduces uric acid concentration, lowering the risk of pain-inducing crystals forming. Water helps flush excess uric acid, and many toxic gout treatments, from the body. Two benefits for a gout remedy are good. Where's the third one coming from? I've had a recent email exchange with a long-term gout sufferer who reckons he has found a new way to combat gout with water. (more…)...
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Your Gout Pictures Please

There is nothing like a gout picture to show the world just what gout means. Gout pictures are great for showing the different symptoms of gout. They help people to understand that gout is much more than a swollen big toe. You can upload your gout pictures via the gout forum. Please not that whilst anyone can post topics to the gout forum, only registered, logged in members can upload pictures. Registration is free, and adds many other useful features, so you may as well register. See the gout health forum guidelines for more information. Most of your pictures will be relevant to the gout symptoms forum, but please note that I am interested in seeing any gout related pictures, so please feel free to send all your gout pictures. How about pictures that reflect your gout treatment, or even your gout diet. Ours is a multi-national, multi-cultural gout forum, so what might seem mundane to you can be extremely interesting and valuable to...
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Colchicine Killer Crisis

The shortage of colchicine in the US is a national emergency for all Americans relying on colchicine for their quality of life, and in many cases life itself. Though I write from the UK, I have many American friends. Selfishly, I also fear that the terrible injustice forced on my friends in America will also be adopted by my government and others round the world. Anyone who relies on colchicine for their wellbeing must act now. Anyone with any compassion, decency, or sense of justice should join the fight. Colchicine Crisis Background The FDA have recently approved colchicine as a brand for treatment of gout and Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF). Colchicine is derived from the autumn crocus and has been recognized as an anti-inflammatory painkiller since ancient times. It has been available as a generic drug for decades, and there is no justification for allowing any branding rights. In my earlier reports, I was unaware that the FDA gave exclusive colchicine rights to URL Pharma....
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